
Calliope Maeve Day was born on 30 January 2017. She’s the daughter of Felicia Day, an actress, writer and web series creator. Calliope has already won hearts over many through her mother’s social media posts – even at such a young age. Here we cover Calliope’s early years, family background, education, private life, physical appearance and online profile.

Early Life

Calliope Maeve Day was born in Los Angeles California. Calliope’s mother Felicia Day announced her birth on social media, posting a picture of her baby feet. Since birth, Calliope has known love and affection.

Family Ties

Calliope is the daughter of entertainment veteran Felicia Day, who has appeared in web series such as “The Guild” and on TV shows and films. Felicia has kept Calliope’s father name private, choosing to raise her daughter as a single mother. That decision has allowed Calliope to grow up relatively private despite her mother’s status.Calliope-Maeve-Day

Educational Background

Calliope is still young and details of her education are yet to be disclosed to the public.

Personal Life

Felicia often posts pictures from their everyday life on social media. Calliope appears to love preschool and holidays. Felicia posts are about their bond and their fun together.

Physical Appearance

Calliope Maeve Day is a very cute child. Particulars on her physical appearance are less documented but photos shared by Felicia Day show a happy, healthy child with a big smile. Her pictures are playful and curious and capture her childhood perfectly.

Her Mother, Felicia Day

As unique as Felicia Day happens to be, so is her career path. Day was born in Alabama and graduated valedictorian with a National Merit Scholar. A violinist by profession, she was admitted into Juilliard School. But she had another plan in mind.

Day began acting at age 13. But it was her web series the Guild, a comedic take on online gamers that made her renown on the internet. She made a socially awkward but passionate gamer seem relatable.

Day landed roles in “The Guild” and other acting roles. She appeared in comedic and dramatic shows including “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” and “Supernatural.”

Day is a gamer herself who streams on sites like Twitch. Details about her net worth are private but her varied work indicates a thriving career. Day has kept her personal life largely from the public eye – although she did announce her daughter’s birth in 2017.

The impact of Felicia Day goes beyond acting. She is a gamers’ role model, artist and entrepreneur.


Calliope may be young, but she already has Felicia’s fans’ hearts glued to her. These glimpses of life show love, laughter and creativity – a reflection of the nurturing environment Felicia has created. Calliope will certainly have unique talents and interests as she develops. Perhaps she’ll become a writer like her mom? Only time will tell

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